ZSMARTLED: dim up to 150W/VA LED from up to 3 control points
Dim from three different points on one circuit, with one master and up to two slave controllers. You can connect the ZSMARTLED dimming kit directly to 3 core and earth wiring, so you can install it with minimal disruption on-site. With the ZSMARTLED, retrofitting s easy — simply remove the existing switches and replace them with ZMART equipment.
With the ZSMART you can dim between 5-150W/VA and it comes in grid, plated, and module versions.
Where would you use ZSMARTLED?
Scenario 1: Domestic hallway and staircase
Three 10W/VA lamps between the hall and stairs, with one dimming point in the hallway, and one on the landing.
Scenario 2: Open-plan kitchen, dining and living area – up to 150W/VA
Your client wants three dimming points — one in the kitchen, one at the back door, and one by the dining space. The project includes ten 5W/VA LED downlights and a 30W/VA feature light.
ZBARLED: dim large LED loads from multiple control points
The ‘get out of trouble’ product — dim large loads, difficult fittings, LED, tungsten, low voltage, or CFL fittings.
Whatever wattage you need, the ZBARLED will handle it — it comes in 0-300W/VA, 0-1000W/VA and 1-10V versions, and for projects with over 1000W/VA, just wire the required number of ZBARs in parallel through a break in the circuit or a junction box.
You can dim from multiple points on a single circuit, with no computer programming or expensive rewiring required.
Where would you use ZBARLED?
Scenario 1: Open-plan kitchen, dining and living area – up to 300W/VA LED
Three dimming points are required — one for the kitchen, one for the dining area, and one by the back door. This time there are fifteen 10W/VA downlights and a 30W/VA LED feature light.
You’d need one ZBARLED1000.
Scenario 2: Commercial function room
The room needs dimming points, at various entrances, and by the main stage, with ten in total.
There are one hundred 5W/VA LED spotlights in the hall.
One ZBARLED 1000W/VA will cover the project.
Scenario 3: Commercial restaurant dining area
There are fifty 3W/VA LED downlights across the dining area in total, and the design calls for a dimmer near the bar, one by the exit and entrance, and one somewhere that the waiters can easily access.
ZBARLED300 is the answer.
Scenario 4: Commercial showroom
Three dimming points are needed for mixed dimmable LED lighting, including twenty 5W/VA LED spotlights, and seven 20 metre lengths of LED strip lighting, at 5W per metre.
With LED strip lighting listing wattage per metre and a large inrush current, it can be notoriously difficult to dim. However, not with the ZBARLED.
In total, you’re looking at just under 1,500W/VA LED which calls for 2 of our ZBARLED1000s on the circuit.
Find out more about why the ZBARLED is the only way to dim LED tape and panels.
Don’t forget to calculate inrush
When you’re calculating the wattage you need on your dimmers, it’s really important to factor in inrush — the energy spike that the lamps need to turn on, which is higher than the advertised wattage, and it’s often not included on an LEDs packaging.
We’ve calculated inrush in every scenario above by multiplying the products' listed wattage by 1.8.
That spike is sometimes as much as four times the box wattage, and if you don’t take it into account, you could overload the circuits as soon as you turn them on.
If you need more advice on finding the correct multi-point dimming tool for your job, get in touch on 0345 519 5858 or use our easy product-finder.