Need to dim up to 1,000W/VA of LED? If you think it’s complicated, think again.

Need to dim up to 1,000W/VA of LED? If you think it’s complicated, think again.

We get it. No fitting is the same and no incandescent lamp is equal.
While huge strides forwards have been made with dimming LEDs there is still a way to go. This is in part due to a lack of real understanding about the complexities of lamps and fittings and what their true wattages are. This is not helped by inrush not being calculated and displayed on the box by lamp manufacturers, but also in part due to some dimming manufacturers being misleading about how powerful their dimming technology really is and what it can dim. In the small print, can be restrictions. Both of these factors can lead to a disconnect on site.
You think you are dimming X amount of wattage, say 250W/VA, but the reality is it is over 500W/VA. This means the products you bought aren’t fit for the job you need to do. So how do you navigate this?
At Zano we often say we are the brains, not the beauty.  What makes our products award-winning is their capabilities. Our technology is hidden from view behind the plate, our everyday range of products contains market-leading technology that outperforms all other dimmers in testing, and for high wattage or hard-to-dim fittings, due to their fluctuating drivers, our ZBARLED blows everything else out the water.
There is no other product available outside of expensive lighting control that can dim up to 1,000W/VA and dim from more than one point. One of our goals at Zano was to make it very easy to install. The ZBARLED is a remote dimming pack that doesn’t need unique wiring or computer programming - you simply install it in a break in the circuit, for example: via the junction box and then wire in your dimmer points as normal.
You just need to know what you are pairing it with to work out how much wattage you are dimming. Whether you are using the ZBARLED with rotary controllers, retractive or a push switch, it is a simple install process.

If you are not sure what product you need for an upcoming job, take a look at our dimmer guide. Just follow the flowchart prompts to help you work out the best product for the job. At Zano we have a product for all scenario, so you can count on us to have a product to make your job as simple as it can be. 
If you are not sure what lamps or fittings to use, give us a call. Our testing lab is always happy to test should you need us to, or our technical team can give you the advice you need at the start of the job and pre-empt problems near the end.

The key is you feeling confident and us supporting you with your LED installs.  If you have an upcoming job that you would like to talk through just give us a call 0345 519 5858 or email us


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